By Mariko Ishikawa - Sep 27, 2012 6:38 AM GMT+0400
The 17-nation currency completed a seven-day drop against
the yen yesterday, the longest since May, before Spanish Prime
Minister Mariano Rajoy submits a fifth package of budget cuts.
Demonstrators gathered near parliament in Madrid yesterday,
while Greek police in Athens dispersed protesters with tear gas.
The New Zealand dollar rose after a private report showed the
nation’s business outlook improved this month.
To contact the reporter on this story: Mariko Ishikawa in Tokyo at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Rocky Swift at
The euro traded 0.4 percent from a
two-week low against the dollar as protests against European
austerity measures added to obstacles for leaders seeking to
stem the region’s debt crisis.
“When you see austerity protests going on across Europe,
that concerns the broader market and it certainly will make
investors more cautious of taking a long euro position,” said
Thomas Averill, managing director in Sydney at Rochford Capital,
a currency and interest-rate risk management company.
A long is a bet that an asset will rise, and Averill
expects euro will weaken to $1.26 in the next 10 days.
The euro traded at $1.2883 as of 11:16 a.m. in Tokyo from
$1.2873 yesterday, when it touched $1.2835, the lowest since
Sept. 12. The shared currency was unchanged at 100.08 yen. It
has lost 3.1 percent since Sept. 17 against Japan’s currency. If
the euro drops for an eighth-consecutive day, it will be the
longest slide since the eight-day drop ended May 31.
The yen gained 0.1 percent to 77.68 per dollar from
yesterday, when it touched 77.59 per greenback, the strongest
since Sept. 14. The New Zealand dollar rose 0.2 percent to 82.61
U.S. cents.
Early Elections
Spanish bonds dropped yesterday, sending the yields on 10-
year securities above 6 percent for the first time since Sept.
18. Catalan President Artur Mas called early elections for Nov.
25, as Rajoy struggles to gain acceptance for austerity measures
and faces criticism from European leaders for delaying a
decision on a bailout to support the nation’s bond market.
“There’s an enormous amount of political uncertainty,”
Ray Attrill, Sydney-based global co-head of currency strategy at
National Australia Bank Ltd., said in a Bloomberg Television
interview. Spanish 10-year yields “are in danger of going up
into that 7 percent area that effectively locks Spain out of the
The euro has weakened 3.2 percent in 2012, the worst
performance after the yen among the 10 developed-nation
currencies tracked by Bloomberg Correlation-Weighted Indexes.
The U.S. dollar has weakened 2.5 percent.
MSCI World Index of stocks dropped 1.3 percent yesterday.
Risk Aversion
“The yen is strengthening in a risk-averse market,” said
Kengo Suzuki, a currency strategist in Tokyo at Mizuho
Securities, a unit of Japan’s third-largest bank by market
value. “Investors may get disappointed if the spending cuts by
Spain are seen as not enough. The market remains very cautious
as Spanish yields head higher and the situation in Europe
becomes more unstable.”
The yen tends to gain during economic and financial turmoil
because Japan’s trade surplus makes it less reliant on foreign
capital. The currency rose toward the strongest level in almost
two weeks against the dollar on speculation central banks around
the world will struggle to revive growth.
The European Central Bank on Sept. 6 agreed to an unlimited
bond-buying program aimed at regaining control of interest rates
in struggling nations such as Spain and Italy. Italy will
auction up to 7 billion euros ($9 billion) of bonds maturing in
2017 and 2022 today.
Confidence Index
A final reading of consumer confidence index in the euro
area probably dropped to minus 25.9 this month, the lowest since
May 2009, according to economists surveyed by Bloomberg News
before the data due today.
The Federal Reserve said Sept. 13 it will buy $40 billion
of mortgage-backed securities each month in a third round of
quantitative easing, or QE, that aims to spur economic growth
through low borrowing costs.
Bank of Japan (8301) board member Takehiro Sato said the central
bank may consider buying foreign bonds to weaken the yen, the
Mainichi reported. The central bank on Sept. 19 expanded its
asset purchase fund by 10 trillion yen ($129 billion) to 55
trillion yen.
Citigroup Inc. reduced its underweight position on the yen
and an overweight bet on Swedish krona.
The yen “remains undeterred by the BOJ’s recent expansion
of the asset-purchases program,” Citigroup’s Group-of-10
currency strategy team led by Steven Englander, wrote in a note
to clients yesterday. “We expect continued yen strengthening if
market sentiments remain weak.”
New Zealand’s dollar gained after a private report showed
the nation’s business outlook improved this month. ANZ National
Bank Ltd. said a net 29.3 percent of New Zealand companies
polled expect their own activity will improve in the next 12
months, up from 26.4 percent in August and the highest level
since May, citing results of its survey.
To contact the reporter on this story: Mariko Ishikawa in Tokyo at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Rocky Swift at