In World Economy News 10/06/2015
President Dilma Rousseff unveiled an effort to draw 198.4 billion reais ($64 billion) in private investment to build, upgrade and operate Brazilian roads, railways, airports and harbor terminals.
The infrastructure plan is meant to restore growth to Brazil’s faltering economy and raise Rousseff’s popularity, which has been battered by high inflation, rising unemployment and a corruption scandal at state-run oil company Petrobras.
A government presentation, however, said 65 percent of the investment would only kick in as of 2019, after the end of Rousseff’s second term in office.
The World Economic Forum ranks Brazil only 120th out of 144 countries for overall quality of infrastructure, with roads and air transport being especially bad – a shortcoming long seen as being a drag on productivity and efficiency.
The plan aims to correct the failings of previous concession sales which drew scant interest because of excessive state intervention. Rousseff is offering investors better terms this time, though low-cost financing from development bank BNDES has been reduced in the midst of Brazil’s fiscal crunch.
Bidders will be expected to partially fund projects with private financing raised through infrastructure bonds.
Rousseff said the new round of concessions will expand the government’s partnership with private companies and bolster confidence in the economy, now on the brink of recession.
“Our model of concessions will guarantee that consumers get quality services at fair prices and companies get an adequate return on their investments,” Rousseff said during the presentation at the presidential palace.
A previous effort by Rousseff to lure 210 billion reais in private investment in 2012 managed to attract only about 20 percent of the targeted funds, with no bidders at all for the 14 railways and 160 port terminals on offer.
Private consortia will be invited to bid for airports in the cities of Porto Alegre, Fortaleza, Salvador and Florianopolis, and the stake of state airport agency Infraero will be reduced to minimum of 15 percent from 49 percent in the previous round, involving Brazil’s busiest airports.
Civil Aviation Minister Eliseu Padilha said Infraero would be restructured and an airport services company created in partnership with Fraport Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide AG (FRAG.DE).
The new concessions include 4,371 kilometers of highways, the expansion of existing freight railways and the building of new ones on a free access model, to help Brazil’s powerful agribusiness get soy beans and other commodities to market.
To decongest Brazil’s inefficient ports, Brazil will open 29 state-owned port terminals to private operators in Santos, the country’s largest port, and in the state of Para. A second round of auctions will include terminals at Paranagua, Itaqui and other ports.
The government expects 66.1 billion reais in investments in highways, 86.4 billion in railways, 37.4 billion in ports and 8.5 billion in airports. Auctions for the airport concessions will start in the first quarter of 2016.
BNDES will continue to have a “relevant” role in financing infrastructure building, Rousseff said, providing low-cost financing of up to 70 percent of project costs for railways if private financing is raised.
Road concessions will have a maximum access to the BNDES’ low interest rate of up to 40 percent of the project as long as they raise 10 percent by selling infrastructure bonds.
Brazil’s top engineering firms implicated in the kickback scandal at Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PETR4.SA) will be free to bid for the infrastructure projects, officials said. That could provide a vital lifeline to some of them facing bankruptcy after their contracts with Petrobras were put on hold.